Category Admin Theme
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Added On 17.01.2014
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Jarvis - Smart Admin Template

Bootstrap template Jarvis - Smart Admin Template
Jarvis - Smart Admin Template - New price! Simple yet innovative, JARVIS admin template is one of a kind. Jarvis utilizes LESS (also includes commented CSS) and uses state of the art custom cut features that are tested for reliability and robust performance with a blend of the latest design trends. All updates are absolutely FREE!! Video Demo What is LESS? You may ask: What the beep is LESS? Well, LESS is The dynamic stylesheet language. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and server-side, with Node.js and Rhino. In this theme we have used client-side less.js compiler for FAST and SMART development and for production, we have converted the LESS files to the regular CSS by using a local compiler, like WinLess. Jarvis Admin Template In Brief... Carefully hand coded from head to toe Contains CSS and LESS Includes documentation Built with Bootstrap 2.3 (also compatible with 2.2) Access to all bootstrap library Retina Font Face icons (over 100) Customized color icons (over 500) w3 valid cross browser compatible HTML5 markup. (Supports for IE8+) Unique, never seen before, localStorage Widgets with custom controls for the users 3level Accordion Menu (value of $7.00) Comes with 5 different predefined themes Scales to almost any size (Fluid/Responsive) All images used are compressed using punypng compressor Optimized for iDevices (certain jquery are only fired depending on the device the user is on) Responsive Table CSS3 Animated Modern Form Element (jQuery select2, uniform, colorpicker, datepicker, validation, iDevice buttons and wizard) Dynamic Data Table with export to PDF/Excel Flot and Canvas Charts (d3 js engine) And many more features... We also provide topnotch email support for all our customers!** Testimonials Very smooth script to work with. It is not obfuscated nor hard coded, so you can use it as a starting point and build your own app on top of it or embed it into an ongoing project. Best buy so far! - John Barlaus (Web Developer) Supported resolutions Jarvis Admin Template Close Up Screenshots Jarvis Admin Equipped with the latest design trends to keep your projects peaked and slick... Jarvis Admin Jarvis Admin Take control of your tables! Jarvis Admin Change Log Version 1.9.5: (April 24th, 2013) NEW : A new menu design was added to increase page space (see config.js on how to turn this menu on for all pages) NEW : Added error page with CSS3 animation with customizable message CSS : All classes from "full-width.css" is moved to "theme-responsive.css" making "full-width.css" redundant CSS : iPad vertical view now has an improved menu JQUERY : New function added to turn on/off the newly implemented menu, making asides fixed, and both asides collapse REMOVED : File: full-width.css Version 1.9.4: (April 15th, 2013) NEW : Added a FREE version of the AMCharts (displayed on the home page) CSS : Fixed minor CSS bugs CSS : Added a combined CSS file (see the CSS folder) LESS : Updated variable.less file, optimized theme.less, fixed typos that previously stopped rendering JQUERY : New functions have been added to the config.js for turning on RTL menu support and turning off right side panel. (see config.js on line 64 and 67 for more details) Version 1.9.3: (March 30th, 2013) NEW : 12 additional unique charts are now introduced using the complex Raphael Engine, working on IE8+ NEW : Bundled with the existing CSS, Jarvis now includes LESS (You should be able to control and manipulate most of the basic components by editing variables. It is advised to compile your LESS to CSS before deployment). This LESS version will improved further in the next release that will host much more dynamic control over the theme elements. JQUERY : Upgraded to jQuery 1.9.1 (Although jquery.migrate.js is there for your use - it is not required with the current plugins) JQUERY : Upgraded to bootstrap 2.3.1 JQUERY : Added save to MySQL call function for SmartWidgets JQUERY : Replaced the plugin "iButton" with "bootstrapSwitch" - serves as an increased performance CSS : Updated Minor CSS issues CSS : Upgraded to bootstrap 2.3.1 CSS : The class ".widget.alert.adjusted" is now just ".widget.alert" DOM : Chat interface tab close icon 'x' is now replaced with a font face icon (CSS is adjusted accordingly) DOM : Added a new meta tag for iOS webapp title (Line 78 - 82) -Fixed all reported bugs and issues Version 1.4: (March 07th, 2013) CSS : Responsive menu now appears during browser re-size as opposed to mobile screens only (to clear confusions) CSS : Added/amended CSS for the following devices: ** Tablet - Kindle Fire HD 8.9 - Kindle Fire HD 7+ - Kindle Fire - Google Nexus 7 + - Apple iPad 1-3/Min ** Mobile - BlackBerry 8300 - Apple iPhone 3, 4 & 5 - LG Optimus - Samsung Galaxy SII - ASUS Galaxy 7 - Samsung Galaxy SIII Version 1.0.4: (Feb 24th, 2013) Added : Registration page CSS : Fixed firefox bug for 'My Tasks' dropdown Version 1.0.3: (Feb 21th, 2013) IE BUG : Console.log IE BUGs that was lurking in the config.js file is now exterminated Added : Ajax loaders (gif animations - see buttons.html) Added : New Column Filter function for tables CSS : Some CSS classes were adjusted for IE CSS : CSS class structure optimized (theme.css), and removed all unnecessary classes Version 1.0.2: (Feb 18th, 2013) Initial Release
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